How Nose Strips Work

Nasal strips are placed across the nose and have a tensile material in the middle which is bent. Since the strips are attached to the nostrils, the material tries to return to its starting position by pulling open the nostrils. This increases the amount of airflow to be had and is noticeable instantly.

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Our "ONE MORE" nose strips add another factor to increase their effectiveness. With the phrase written on each strip, you will be continually reminded whenever you look at your phone or mirror of your mission to succeed and dominate. Fans of NoseTrip are proud to be asked the meaning behind the strip since we know it will encourage us all the more to achieve our full potential. When you want to be uncommon among the uncommon, you have to wear something that sticks out and gets you recognized.

Sleep Benefits

This means that it becomes much easier to get a good night's rest while breathing properly with nose strips on. Snoring can also be reduced because of this. Breathing through the mouth can result in suboptimal sleep in some.

The Issue

You've experienced it yourself. While working out you completely run out of oxygen and you have to take a long rest or begin to mouth breathe. Most of us just breathe through our mouths when we get tired. This is because our noses collapse enough to make them suboptimal for maximum oxygen intake. When this happens we switch to our mouths. The idea behind nose strips is that they flare our nostrils enough to reduce the negative effects on our breathing from workouts.

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The Science

The science to back these claims is inconclusive. There studies on this are few and their results are not always promising. Studies have shown potential benefits on sleep, but the effectiveness of nose strips on workouts seems to depend on the individual and is not guaranteed.

Nose breathing, on the other hand, has numerous proven benefits to many aspects of life. Some of the benefits include reduced snoring, drooling, allergy issues, and facial structure deformities over time. If nose strips make it easier and more natural to breathe through your nose as many fans claim, they are worth a shot. 

Rather than waiting for the science to catch up, try some for yourself. Many athletes see advantages from nose strips and at this point want them for every workout session. Many snorers and quiet sleepers alike wear nose strips to enhance their rest for the sake of their loved ones. Find out how much these will open your airways, reduce congestion, and make breathing easier for you.



How do nasal strips work?

Nasal strips are effective for sleep apnea

Subjective measures study

Sleep quality and congestion

Nasal dilator comparison


Enough research. Time to try them for yourself.